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Do you ❤️ Ruby on Rails?

🧩 Love refactoring?
🧹 Tidying things up?
🏎 Optimizing existing code?
⚒ Extending app functionality?

We’re hiring!

Planet Argon @planetargonDo you enjoy rolling up your sleeves and digging into legacy #rubyonrails applications? We're hiring @Rails developers. Learn more at

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Robby Russell

Do you ❤️ Ruby on Rails?

🧩 Love refactoring?
🧹 Tidying things up?
🏎 Optimizing existing code?
⚒ Extending app functionality?

We’re hiring!

One minute you’re writing a custom ActiveStorage service, the next you’re at the hospital welcoming a baby to the world!

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One minute you’re writing a custom ActiveStorage service, the next you’re at the hospital welcoming a baby to the world!

Pretty nice to run #vscode on my iPad! 🤩

(Haha, it’s actually code-server by @CoderHQ courtesy of my M1 Mac mini…but it works pretty well with the latest scrolling fixes in Safari!)

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Pretty nice to run #vscode on my iPad! 🤩

(Haha, it’s actually code-server by @CoderHQ courtesy of my M1 Mac mini…but it works pretty well with the latest scrolling fixes in Safari!)

Day 23 of #100DaysOfCode I learned:

#Ruby singleton methods allow you to change a single object’s behavior and it won’t affect the other objects in the same class.

*Note* Will not work on number or symbol objects. Does anyone happen to know why?

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Day 23 of #100DaysOfCode I learned:

#Ruby singleton methods allow you to change a single object’s behavior and it won’t affect the other objects in the same class.

*Note* Will not work on number or symbol objects. Does anyone happen to know why?

Sometimes I go back and listen to a random Railscasts episode from @rbates because I miss his voice. ❤️ His quality content has been such an inspiration for what I’ve done with @DriftingRuby!

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Dave Kimura

Sometimes I go back and listen to a random Railscasts episode from @rbates because I miss his voice. ❤️ His quality content has been such an inspiration for what I’ve done with @DriftingRuby!

late night return to space exploration

there was a time, once, i loved space

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late night return to space exploration

there was a time, once, i loved space

🚀 Introducing Astro: A New Kind of Static Site Builder

⚡️ Works with React, Preact, Svelte, Vue
⚡️ Astro renders everything to static HTML
⚡️ Result: 0 bytes of JS, by default
⚡️ Interactive components load on demand

Ship less JavaScript.

Introducing Astro: Ship Less JavaScriptWe're excited to announce Astro as a new way to build static websites and deliver lightning-fast performance without sacrificing a modern developer experience.

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🚀 Introducing Astro: A New Kind of Static Site Builder

⚡️ Works with React, Preact, Svelte, Vue
⚡️ Astro renders everything to static HTML
⚡️ Result: 0 bytes of JS, by default
⚡️ Interactive components load on demand

Ship less JavaScript.

Ruby 3 JIT can make Rails faster. I’ve wondered Why Rails becomes slow… | by k0kubun | May, 2021 | Medium

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Ruby 3 JIT can make Rails faster. I’ve wondered Why Rails becomes slow… | by k0kubun | May, 2021 | Medium

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