tw-rl might also be a useful portfolio showcase tool for artists or writers that regularly share their work via Twitter.
I have 👋
Often I found myself scrolling for what felt like forever looking for that…
After a few experiences of WASTING TIME scrolling through my “Media” tab on Twitter, the desire to group tweets into filterable collections became so strong that tw-rl was born.
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You can message us for additional help on Twitter: @twirlHQ
Once connected, you can reply to any tweet with “@twirlHQ” + the hashtag of the gallery you’d like to add to or create (e.g. “@twirlHQ #art”).
You can also add tweets from your user avatar menu by copy/pasting the tweet URL.
tw-rl periodically checks your account for replies, but it does not happen instantly. That said, if your tweet is not added within five minutes of your reply, please DM @twirlHQ