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4 years ago

Often free of snow as early as April, this excellent early season hike offers hikers what they have been missing for months: a good chance of sun (this being the sunny side of the Cascades, a bountiful array of wildflowers, and stunning views of Tumwater and Icicle Canyon, the Wenatchee and Icicle rivers and surrounding mountains.

Icicle RidgeOften free of snow as early as April, this excellent early season hike offers hikers what they have been missing for months: a good chance of sun (this being the sunny side of the Cascades, a bountiful array of wildflowers, and stunning views of Tumwater and Icicle Canyon, the Wenatchee and Icicle rivers and surrounding mountains.

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Often free of snow as early as April, this excellent early season hike offers hikers what they have been missing for months: a good chance of sun (this being the sunny side of the Cascades, a bountiful array of wildflowers, and stunning views of Tumwater and Icicle Canyon, the Wenatchee and Icicle rivers and surrounding mountains.

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