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3 years ago

Rubens Cantuni is an Emmy award-winning digital product designer with more than a decade of experience in apps and websites’ UX design, UI design, interaction, and animation. He designed for operating systems, wearables, mobile devices, automotive HMI, entertainment, gaming, education, and more.

Rubens Cantuni - Digital Product DesignerRubens Cantuni is an Emmy award-winning digital product designer with more than a decade of experience in apps and websites' UX design, UI design, interaction, and animation. He designed for operating systems, wearables, mobile devices, automotive HMI, entertainment, gaming, education, and more.

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Rubens Cantuni is an Emmy award-winning digital product designer with more than a decade of experience in apps and websites’ UX design, UI design, interaction, and animation. He designed for operating systems, wearables, mobile devices, automotive HMI, entertainment, gaming, education, and more.

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