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4 years ago

This hike is a flat 3.3 mile one way blacktop trail that starts at The Port of Anacortes and ends at March Point near The Shell and Tesoro Refineries. The trail has great views of Mount Baker, Fidalgo Bay and lots of blue heron, especially when the tides are low.

Tommy Thompson TrailThis hike is a flat 3.3 mile one way blacktop trail that starts at The Port of Anacortes and ends at March Point near The Shell and Tesoro Refineries. The trail has great views of Mount Baker, Fidalgo Bay and lots of blue heron, especially when the tides are low.

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This hike is a flat 3.3 mile one way blacktop trail that starts at The Port of Anacortes and ends at March Point near The Shell and Tesoro Refineries. The trail has great views of Mount Baker, Fidalgo Bay and lots of blue heron, especially when the tides are low.

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