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πŸ“… Solving the DATE functions would be challenging. Things are looking exciting though!
Sumified @SumifiedHQβœ… Miscellaneous Functions

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To preserve a free and open web, digital advertising must put privacy front & center. That’s why we’ve been working w/ the industry to build privacy-preserving tech and why we won’t be replacing 3P cookies w/ other identifiers that track you across the web

Charting a course towards a more privacy-first webLearn more about our commitments to privacy as third-party cookies are deprecated.

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To preserve a free and open web, digital advertising must put privacy front & center. That’s why we’ve been working w/ the industry to build privacy-preserving tech and why we won’t be replacing 3P cookies w/ other identifiers that track you across the web

“Google Analytics 4 has a completely new collection model that also has AI functionality which can provide great insight into your data.”

Google Analytics 4: The Time Is Now /by @MoreVisibility #measure

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“Google Analytics 4 has a completely new collection model that also has AI functionality which can provide great insight into your data.”

Google Analytics 4: The Time Is Now /by @MoreVisibility #measure

Making art transports and transforms me on a daily basis. My aim is to transport you with me and maybe you’ll be transformed too πŸ‘€

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Making art transports and transforms me on a daily basis. My aim is to transport you with me and maybe you’ll be transformed too πŸ‘€

Only Two Hours To Go!πŸš€πŸ˜±
Current Bid: 56.5ETH
($86,238.01) by kw7 @SuperRare

A @mbsjq 1/1 Edition

Auction Ends | 4PM PST
(With 10 mins extension if a new bid comes in)

#astroandtheuniverse #mbsjq #cryptoart #astroauction

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Only Two Hours To Go!πŸš€πŸ˜±
Current Bid: 56.5ETH
($86,238.01) by kw7 @SuperRare

A @mbsjq 1/1 Edition

Auction Ends | 4PM PST
(With 10 mins extension if a new bid comes in)

#astroandtheuniverse #mbsjq #cryptoart #astroauction

My @googleanalytics tool cooked with #GoogleDataStudio for temporal anomaly diagnosis checker is close to be launched
– Your GA view
– Custom date ranges comparison
– Metric & dimension selector
– Viz for share, relative and absolute variations
– …πŸ˜‡

Google Analytics Temporal anomaly diagnosis checker - Teasing...Google Analytics Temporal anomaly diagnosis checker - Close for launching...

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My @googleanalytics tool cooked with #GoogleDataStudio for temporal anomaly diagnosis checker is close to be launched
– Your GA view
– Custom date ranges comparison
– Metric & dimension selector
– Viz for share, relative and absolute variations
– …πŸ˜‡

@tiltondata #GoogleDataStudio Open graph thumbnails helps me in The POC I’m building for a client for a quick access to popular reports pages.
I will probably write a post about it after my free tool launching.

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@tiltondata #GoogleDataStudio Open graph thumbnails helps me in The POC I’m building for a client for a quick access to popular reports pages.
I will probably write a post about it after my free tool launching.

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