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This project brings me joy. It also quite literally feels like the ONE thing I can control. *But* I worried that continuing might be tone-deaf. So I asked, & receivd such lovely encouragemt to continue. I needed that. Thank u.

So…Next up?
N is for neuron


taylor dunham @taylordunham_So.. is it tone-deaf to keep tweeting things like 36daysof type? It's an outlet for me right now, but.. it feels like it's not important enough to be sharing that right now. Is that true? Or is it nice to have momentary breaks from all-things-serious? Someone enlighten me.

My Notes:

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This project brings me joy. It also quite literally feels like the ONE thing I can control. *But* I worried that continuing might be tone-deaf. So I asked, & receivd such lovely encouragemt to continue. I needed that. Thank u.

So…Next up?
N is for neuron


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