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Free Tailwind CSS resources. 🧵
1. Kometa UI Kit It includes over 130 sections, built with Tailwind CSS, for your awesome projects. All the sections are fully responsive and available in HTML, VueJS, and React. Link:
2. Tailwind Toolbox Free open-source Tailwind CSS starter templates and components to get you started quickly to creating websites in Tailwind CSS! Link:
3. Tailwind Ink A tool for creating new color shades based on a neural network and trained with the Tailwindcss palette. Link:
4. Tailwind CSS Components Tailwind CSS components by the community. Charts, grids, inputs, forms, templates, and much more. Link:
5. Tailblocks Ready-to-use Tailwind CSS blocks. Link:
6. Tailwind Templates A free collection of Tailwind CSS Templates & Tailwind components for rapid UI development. Link:
7. Treact Easily customizable modern React UI Templates and Components built using Tailwind CSS. Link:
8. Mamba UI Mamba UI is a UI kit with free components and templates styled with Tailwind CSS Link:
9. Tailwind Play An advanced online playground for Tailwind CSS. Link:
10. Tailwind Weekly A weekly newsletter about all things Tailwind CSS. Link:
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