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1/5 Two hours ago, someone sold a huge amount of social tokens issued on Roll platform. As a result, an attacker earned almost 3k ETH ($5.7M), of which 700 have already been sent to Tornado Cash. Most of social token prices dumped as a result.
2/5 Affected tokens include: - WHALE - MORK - JULIEN - CHERRY - FWB - KARMA - ALEX - KERMAN - SKULL - HUE - FIRST
3/5 The victim’s address belongs to Roll, as it not only received social tokens from Roll’ multisig but was also sponsored by Roll multisig owners.
4/5 The victim who lost all their social tokens gave approvals so that an exploiter could transferFrom() their tokens. This fact indicates a possible private key compromise or inside job.
5/5 Currently, the attacker has sold all the stolen tokens, but it remains unclear whether they have access to other elements of Roll’s infrastructure. In addition, there are still some little-known tokens on the victim’s address that can still be liquidated.

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Igor Igamberdiev

Pro Curator

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