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I made a FigJam plugin that allows you to use custom color palettes! 🎨 • The default palette includes the REAL RED™ and pink colors. • You can use your own style libraries. • I recorded the 3-hour process of making it, will release soon. @figmadesign #FigJam #figmaplugin
Why did I make it work with preset swatches instead of enabling the user to pick any color they want? FigJam is made for quick iteration, not for fiddling with the color wheel. You can spend time on your custom palette — but when you need to do the work, you won't be distracted.
While having lots of colors to choose from is nice, sometimes all you need is pink! Can't wait for you all to get this plugin that makes everything you select in FigJam my favorite #FF5386 pink! 🖌
In the meantime I'm making a starter palette for FigJam Custom Colors. Turns out finding one that includes all colors you need yet contains just 24-36 swatches is hard. 🤔 Can you help me? Add your ideas: ❤️ All contributors will get the plugin for free!

My Notes:

Select to add to your #gallery:
Gleb Sabirzyanov

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