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I get lots of dms about where to start reading up on web3/crypto/nfts the links I send and the accounts I recommend following below: (will keep updating this thread) rts = wagmi
a good primer by @packyM — why this is all happening at a conceptual level
then, deeper into ethereum, again by @packyM
nft memes don't get better than @sartoshi_nft
sartoshi @sartoshi_nft
@cdixon has written some sharp threads on the transition from web 2 to 3 that are all must reads if you're interested in this space
Chris Dixon @cdixon1/ Topic: Going from Web 2 to Web 3 - “Your take rate is my opportunity” 🧵
listen in to twitter spaces from @DeezeFi, @AxieKing, @farokh et al
@punk6529 sharp, short read by @NFWidmer on why NFTs are worth understanding
not exclusively crypto/nft subject matter, but all of this will intertwine in the future of "work"
Jasper @jaspermalamudRemote jobs are video games. Things that video games do well and jobs don’t…🧵 (1/7) Inspired by @jackbutcher

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