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“monuMents” on the air Saturday, June 4th
100 ed (20ed WL for Z’YDRON holders + 80ed public sales)

I will do a raflle of Z’YDRON #76, to compete:
Follow me ✅
Like and share this post ✅
Comment with your wallet ✅

Result on Friday
📸 1,2, 3 – monuMOments
📸 4 – Z’YDRON #76

My Notes:

Select to add to your #gallery:

“monuMents” on the air Saturday, June 4th
100 ed (20ed WL for Z’YDRON holders + 80ed public sales)

I will do a raflle of Z’YDRON #76, to compete:
Follow me ✅
Like and share this post ✅
Comment with your wallet ✅

Result on Friday
📸 1,2, 3 – monuMOments
📸 4 – Z’YDRON #76

Pro Curator

$99 /yearPay what you can