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▫️#IndigenousFuturism #Cree🇨🇦

ᒣᒧᐦᐨ mêmohc “ precisely ”🔥

“apocalyptic novels have always captivated me and I’ve had to ask myself, ‘Why?’ I mean, there’s intellectual reasons

Indigenous people have already survived an apocalypse – colonialism

dystopias are familiar…

My Notes:

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▫️#IndigenousFuturism #Cree🇨🇦

ᒣᒧᐦᐨ mêmohc “ precisely ”🔥

“apocalyptic novels have always captivated me and I’ve had to ask myself, ‘Why?’ I mean, there’s intellectual reasons

Indigenous people have already survived an apocalypse – colonialism

dystopias are familiar…

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