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That feeling when data starts rolling in on a study you’ve been designing for 3 months…there’s not a good word for it.

Some kinda combination of elation + relief + intense curiosity.

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That feeling when data starts rolling in on a study you’ve been designing for 3 months…there’s not a good word for it.

Some kinda combination of elation + relief + intense curiosity.

I’m sure Ed Prescott is against the minimum wage, but this paper illustrates why I think free market types should worry less about this and more about other kinds of regulation (*cough* housing *cough*) that directly relate to the productivity frontier.

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I’m sure Ed Prescott is against the minimum wage, but this paper illustrates why I think free market types should worry less about this and more about other kinds of regulation (*cough* housing *cough*) that directly relate to the productivity frontier.

If you use bitcoin but especially if you run a node or use Bitcoin Core code, we’d *love* to get your feedback.

“I just see a stock going up, and I buy it…and I watch it as it goes up until it stops…and then I sell it.”

I don’t think I exhaled once through this whole thing.

Dare Obasanjo @Carnage4LifeNothing has convinced me that we?re in a bubble more than this video.

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“I just see a stock going up, and I buy it…and I watch it as it goes up until it stops…and then I sell it.”

I don’t think I exhaled once through this whole thing.

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Great thread about the digital artist+ some amazing sculptures.

It’s been fascinating to see many of the artists I followed on instagram for inspiration pop up on Crypto Twitter talking about NFTs.

* Adam Smith popularized the term “free markets” to describe markets free from “rentiers” who collect money without adding value…such as cable monopolists. He DEFINITELY didn’t mean “markets free from government regulation.”


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Cory Doctorow #BLM

* Adam Smith popularized the term “free markets” to describe markets free from “rentiers” who collect money without adding value…such as cable monopolists. He DEFINITELY didn’t mean “markets free from government regulation.”


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Making fundamentals like healthcare a perk of employment means you’re optimizing for a country of employees, not entrepreneurs and small business owners.


Humans living in linear scale are always surprised by the BOOM. @EpsilonTheory is right. If America looks like the UK, in 30-45 days Covid shit gets too bad to ignore.

.@signalapp is so secure, you can’t even send messages.

Srsly, good for them, but as an early adopter please gtfo my app, my mom is waiting for more my-cat-falling-asleep-in-sunbeam pictures and I refuse to let the NSA have this photo’s metadata.

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.@signalapp is so secure, you can’t even send messages.

Srsly, good for them, but as an early adopter please gtfo my app, my mom is waiting for more my-cat-falling-asleep-in-sunbeam pictures and I refuse to let the NSA have this photo’s metadata.

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