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Sketch. Final.


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Anybody else know the feeling??

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Anybody else know the feeling??

2 years ago

A New York based publisher focused on archiving and preserving artifacts of design history to make them available for future generations.

Standards ManualA New York based publisher focused on archiving and preserving artifacts of design history to make them available for future generations.

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A New York based publisher focused on archiving and preserving artifacts of design history to make them available for future generations.

facing the world alone

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facing the world alone

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GM Frens!

İdiosyncratic Data on @manifoldxyz
OE Live 0.01 E
Link below..

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GM Frens!

İdiosyncratic Data on @manifoldxyz
OE Live 0.01 E
Link below..

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Gm Identity

Digital Art is Art. It’s about more than the medium but about the process. One of the key elements is the time & effort you put into your work. The level of investment is a personal decision & can greatly impact the resulting work.

How much of yourself do you put into your Art?

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Digital Art is Art. It’s about more than the medium but about the process. One of the key elements is the time & effort you put into your work. The level of investment is a personal decision & can greatly impact the resulting work.

How much of yourself do you put into your Art?

Gm gm!

Once a upon a dream 🌊

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Gm gm!

Once a upon a dream 🌊

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2 years ago

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Black by Gal Shir
3,200 ✕ 3,200 PX

The Wayne’s last night out

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The Wayne’s last night out

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Aikebana N°110

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