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@Olas_Truth agreed with both your points, but how about the Black artists who appropriate asian culture and profit from it too? why don’t we remember to keep the same energy ALL around.

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@Olas_Truth agreed with both your points, but how about the Black artists who appropriate asian culture and profit from it too? why don’t we remember to keep the same energy ALL around.

You know it’s bad when white women are calling you out

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You know it’s bad when white women are calling you out

I’m both “Latinx” (lol) and Asian.
I applied to some colleges as an Asian (with my mom’s last name) and some as a Hispanic.

The one I applied to as a Hispanic gave me a full ride scholarship for my grades and SAT scores.

I’m a living case study showing you’re wrong.

FJ Be Dissertatin’ @FeministaJonesLike I know Asian students face bigotry and discrimination in classrooms and in life Yet when it comes to college admissions, I just see no real proof, statistically, esp when compared to what Black/ Latinx/ Native folks experience

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I’m both “Latinx” (lol) and Asian.
I applied to some colleges as an Asian (with my mom’s last name) and some as a Hispanic.

The one I applied to as a Hispanic gave me a full ride scholarship for my grades and SAT scores.

I’m a living case study showing you’re wrong.

@juwonreports It’s called appropriation when people take without crediting from other cultures against a more or less zero violence background, but not only do Koreans constantly credit black/Japanese influences by name, both American and Japanese militaries have occupied the Korean peninsula.

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@juwonreports It’s called appropriation when people take without crediting from other cultures against a more or less zero violence background, but not only do Koreans constantly credit black/Japanese influences by name, both American and Japanese militaries have occupied the Korean peninsula.

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the “building Asian countries” in question

What is not true about the Korean fried chicken? The concept of frying battered chicken was introduced by Black American troops stationed in South Korea during the late 1940s and early 1950s. That is a fact. Prior to that, Koreans had steamed their chicken.


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Uché Perkins

What is not true about the Korean fried chicken? The concept of frying battered chicken was introduced by Black American troops stationed in South Korea during the late 1940s and early 1950s. That is a fact. Prior to that, Koreans had steamed their chicken.

Black soldiers did not do good things in Korea, as they did not do in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, etc. Or are you going to cling to borderline minstrel portrayal of black soldiers as the Johnny Appleseed of fried chicken rather than admit that black GIs are not good

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Black soldiers did not do good things in Korea, as they did not do in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, etc. Or are you going to cling to borderline minstrel portrayal of black soldiers as the Johnny Appleseed of fried chicken rather than admit that black GIs are not good

when black americans portray the entire country of korea as anti-black while completely omitting the ONGOING legacy of american imperialism in the peninsula, I consider that punching down


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when black americans portray the entire country of korea as anti-black while completely omitting the ONGOING legacy of american imperialism in the peninsula, I consider that punching down

@vanxcxte @brinaxv There are black producers in USA and Korea. Edward Theodore Riley made the demo for EXO ‘Call Me Baby’ (the original name was ‘Call Me Dady’, but SM thought it wouldn’t be well received in SK)
He also produced SNSD ‘The Boys”. And more.

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@vanxcxte @brinaxv There are black producers in USA and Korea. Edward Theodore Riley made the demo for EXO ‘Call Me Baby’ (the original name was ‘Call Me Dady’, but SM thought it wouldn’t be well received in SK)
He also produced SNSD ‘The Boys”. And more.

@Mont_Jiang Asians are a model-minority prop for white conservatives, and Black Women have become a model-minority prop for white liberals. Perfect.

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E-40 Musk

@Mont_Jiang Asians are a model-minority prop for white conservatives, and Black Women have become a model-minority prop for white liberals. Perfect.

@MarkSeddon1962 @enrico221960 here comes the lecture lol

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regan matthews

@MarkSeddon1962 @enrico221960 here comes the lecture lol

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