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I have no words.

SELF-ISOLATION✨ we are all in this together. Let’s take care of each other. Stay home, and if you feel trapped inside your house, apartment or room. Work hard to not feel trapped inside your head. Let’s stay productive during these times. Let’s work on ourselves. Love you all ✨

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SELF-ISOLATION✨ we are all in this together. Let’s take care of each other. Stay home, and if you feel trapped inside your house, apartment or room. Work hard to not feel trapped inside your head. Let’s stay productive during these times. Let’s work on ourselves. Love you all ✨

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Feature: Kevin Grieve

“Maybe maybe maybe”

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“Maybe maybe maybe”

This is how the door scene in Titanic went

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This is how the door scene in Titanic went

Because we are all dreaming about great outdoors during this quanrantine period, we made a WebGL experiment to comfort us 🌬️🍃

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Because we are all dreaming about great outdoors during this quanrantine period, we made a WebGL experiment to comfort us 🌬️🍃

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Cherry blossoms in Japan 🌸

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Cherry blossoms in Japan 🌸

I’m still bored.

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I’m still bored.

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This year’s Easter Passover Seder

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This year’s Easter Passover Seder

I am testing something so I needed a simple model to #3dprint. Made this #timelapse of a #lego compatible brick. 3d printed on my @Creality3dprint Ender 3

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I am testing something so I needed a simple model to #3dprint. Made this #timelapse of a #lego compatible brick. 3d printed on my @Creality3dprint Ender 3

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R is for rib cage.

If you’re curious why I’ve decided to keep this up amidst a pandemic… scroll up through the thread. Read: my own sanity.


My Notes:

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R is for rib cage.

If you’re curious why I’ve decided to keep this up amidst a pandemic… scroll up through the thread. Read: my own sanity.


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