j is for jaw.
note to self: there are not very many reasonably recognizable anatomy terms that start with j..
j is for jaw.
note to self: there are not very many reasonably recognizable anatomy terms that start with j..
I’d love to be able to mark my favorites natively in @googlefonts. Even cooler if I could organize faves into lists. Just like on a stock img site, ecomm site, amazon, etc. Is this a thing and I just don’t know how to do it?
This tweet NAILS IT.
As @imcatnoone perfectly said:
“This. A million times over. Nobody wants to hear it because it forces you out of a special box, with a special title + criticism these days is considered the anti-christ.
Get off the high horse, shed the ego, werk.
This tweet NAILS IT.
As @imcatnoone perfectly said:
“This. A million times over. Nobody wants to hear it because it forces you out of a special box, with a special title + criticism these days is considered the anti-christ.
Get off the high horse, shed the ego, werk.
Who knows what they’re doing on instagram? I’m clueluess. Need your advice: I want to share an icon set. Do I share each one as an individual post, scheduled over several days? Or do I make it one, multi-carousel post?
All the yes to this, @CynthiaNixon!
All the yes to this, @CynthiaNixon!
Sunday Funday! Working on this slow-going anatomy alphabet side project…
I love @frank_chimero‘s recent flurry of blog posts—especially Redesign: Scales and Hierarchy.
It made me think about how I didn’t have a reusable isolated template for choosing body copy typefaces. So, I made one!
I love @frank_chimero‘s recent flurry of blog posts—especially Redesign: Scales and Hierarchy.
It made me think about how I didn’t have a reusable isolated template for choosing body copy typefaces. So, I made one!
I feel really lucky to have been able to work with the team over at @TheAthletic to create a beautiful culture handbook for their employees. What a wonderful community you’re building over there! Thank you for letting me a part of it.
More on dribbble! 👀 https://dribbble.com/shots/9833203-Culture-Book-for-The-Athletic
I feel really lucky to have been able to work with the team over at @TheAthletic to create a beautiful culture handbook for their employees. What a wonderful community you’re building over there! Thank you for letting me a part of it.
More on dribbble! 👀 https://dribbble.com/shots/9833203-Culture-Book-for-The-Athletic
👋Hi friends! I’m working on creating some prints & greet’g cards that I’d like to sell with some of my photography 📷 (likely on etsy).
➡️I want to know what printers you *LOVE* using and would recommend.
I’m new to this. Open to and grateful for your wisdom
–read: HALP!–