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The new Office App

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The new Office App

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It’s a blessing and a curse.

Information and knowledge has never been so readily available before, yet its becoming increasingly difficult to find quality.

This will only worsen over the years, but there’s great potential for those willing to stand out or curate.

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It’s a blessing and a curse.

Information and knowledge has never been so readily available before, yet its becoming increasingly difficult to find quality.

This will only worsen over the years, but there’s great potential for those willing to stand out or curate.

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The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet, creating a phenomenon called “Arctic greening.” With the help of small drones, researchers have been scouring landscapes to decode in fine detail how the Arctic is transforming:


@theweeknd’s new album drops in one month.

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@theweeknd’s new album drops in one month.

#PixarOnward is essentially Pixar’s ABOUT TIME. Yes, it’ll make you ugly cry (especially hard-hitting for those who’ve lost someone dear). It’s a heartrending love letter to the magic of rediscovery & latent powers our legacies hold. A percolating, magical potion of humor & heart

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#PixarOnward is essentially Pixar’s ABOUT TIME. Yes, it’ll make you ugly cry (especially hard-hitting for those who’ve lost someone dear). It’s a heartrending love letter to the magic of rediscovery & latent powers our legacies hold. A percolating, magical potion of humor & heart

Dear Diary:
@arnettwill destroyed our 11 hour LEGO build on @LEGOMastersFOX and IT WAS TOTALLY AWESOME!!!

#LEGOMastersFox #LEGOMasters #LEGO #amiedd #TeamUnicorn 🦄🦄🦄

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Dear Diary:
@arnettwill destroyed our 11 hour LEGO build on @LEGOMastersFOX and IT WAS TOTALLY AWESOME!!!

#LEGOMastersFox #LEGOMasters #LEGO #amiedd #TeamUnicorn 🦄🦄🦄

Introducing Moment 67mm Filter Mount!💥

Mount it to any phone (or an iPad)! Works with all 3 lenses, your phone’s mic, and our ND filters.

RT to win one set with our new 67mm Variable ND Filter.

Order today to save 20% 👇

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Introducing Moment 67mm Filter Mount!💥

Mount it to any phone (or an iPad)! Works with all 3 lenses, your phone’s mic, and our ND filters.

RT to win one set with our new 67mm Variable ND Filter.

Order today to save 20% 👇

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