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3 years ago

You adjusted, you evolved and you excelled. The bar was raised higher and higher, digital experiences became more spectacular, more innovative and more beautiful. Looking forward is fundamental, but looking back, reflecting and celebrating is a necessary step for growth. Now we recognize the achievements of the following talented designers, developers, agencies and studios

Annual Awards 2021 - Discover the best of the Web on AwwwardsYou adjusted, you evolved and you excelled. The bar was raised higher and higher, digital experiences became more spectacular, more innovative and more beautiful. Looking forward is fundamental, but looking back, reflecting and celebrating is a necessary step for growth. Now we recognize the achievements of the following talented designers, developers, agencies and studios

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You adjusted, you evolved and you excelled. The bar was raised higher and higher, digital experiences became more spectacular, more innovative and more beautiful. Looking forward is fundamental, but looking back, reflecting and celebrating is a necessary step for growth. Now we recognize the achievements of the following talented designers, developers, agencies and studios

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