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2 years ago

Food as we know it, doesn’t need to be the way we know it. It’s what motivates us to break the status quo of food. To forge a new path to unexpected flavours, and unforgettable experiences. Cultured meat is at the cutting edge, are you there?

Forged by Vow | Food that is forged, not farmed.Food as we know it, doesn’t need to be the way we know it. It’s what motivates us to break the status quo of food. To forge a new path to unexpected flavours, and unforgettable experiences. Cultured meat is at the cutting edge, are you there?

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Food as we know it, doesn’t need to be the way we know it. It’s what motivates us to break the status quo of food. To forge a new path to unexpected flavours, and unforgettable experiences. Cultured meat is at the cutting edge, are you there?

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