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3 years ago

This contemporary residence in Bengaluru is designed by Technoarchitecture. It is an ensemble of geometry formed of cubes & volumes with a touch of rustic palette. As narrated by architect Rajesh Shivaram, Belaku highlights a cantilevering mass and the seamless connection that the structure has with the surroundings.

This contemporary residence in Bengaluru is designed by Technoarchitecture. It is an ensemble of geometry formed of cubes & volumes with a touch of rustic palette. As narrated by architect Rajesh Shivaram, Belaku highlights a cantilevering mass and the seamless connection that the structure has with the surroundings.

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This contemporary residence in Bengaluru is designed by Technoarchitecture. It is an ensemble of geometry formed of cubes & volumes with a touch of rustic palette. As narrated by architect Rajesh Shivaram, Belaku highlights a cantilevering mass and the seamless connection that the structure has with the surroundings.

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