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2 years ago

Episode number 244 of the Apparel Radio Show is curated by Swing Duke and his mix. The French producer, who’s about to release his debut EP ‘Deep Feeling’ on our catalogues, presents a great selection of engaging tunes to give continuity to his presence, this time on our radio frequencies. Enjoy his show.

Radio Show #244: Swing DukeEpisode number 244 of the Apparel Radio Show is curated by Swing Duke and his mix. The French producer, who’s about to release his debut EP 'Deep Feeling' on our catalogues, presents a great selection of engaging tunes to give continuity to his presence, this time on our radio frequencies. Enjoy his show.

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Episode number 244 of the Apparel Radio Show is curated by Swing Duke and his mix. The French producer, who’s about to release his debut EP ‘Deep Feeling’ on our catalogues, presents a great selection of engaging tunes to give continuity to his presence, this time on our radio frequencies. Enjoy his show.

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