In his “Why Are You Creative“ project, director and author Hermann Vaske explores these questions in conversations with some of the greatest artists, activists and thinkers of our time. Together they seek out and identify not only creativity’s critical stimuli – Spirituality, Sex, Money, Fear, Nurture and Ambition – but also the killers of creativity – Censorship, Self-Censorship, Bureaucracy, Compromise, Distraction and the Gatekeepers – the oppositional forces that act as beta-blockers to creative energy. It’s an existential clash between creativity’s angels and its demons. The assassins of creativity are many and they lurk everywhere.
In his “Why Are You Creative“ project, director and author Hermann Vaske explores these questions in conversations with some of the greatest artists, activists and thinkers of our time. Together they seek out and identify not only creativity’s critical stimuli – Spirituality, Sex, Money, Fear, Nurture and Ambition – but also the killers of creativity – Censorship, Self-Censorship, Bureaucracy, Compromise, Distraction and the Gatekeepers – the oppositional forces that act as beta-blockers to creative energy. It’s an existential clash between creativity’s angels and its demons. The assassins of creativity are many and they lurk everywhere.