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Want to increase your productivity by 300%? 20 AI tools EVERY human needs to be aware of. Thread 1/
2/ AI generated Avatar video using @synthesiaIO by @siavashg. The visuals are 100% AI generated 🤯 15 seconds to record audio, 30 seconds to pick backdrop, 5 minutes to generate results,
3/ Content simplifier by @heyjasperai. Put in a complex paragraph and it will spit out a 'for dummies' version.
4/ Image generator. (free) The Stable Diffusion search engine. Describe what you want and it will output AI generated images.
5/ Content Summarizer by @heyjasperai This one is GREAT. Copy paste a long blog post and it gives you a dot point TLDR breakdown. PERFECT for tiktok/shorts script writing, info curation, making headlines.
6/ Content Vdeo Library by @pictoryai This one is ALSO GREAT. Type in content and it searches through a massive library of videos to find you background videos! PERFECT for TikTok video generation. Top tool and this one is a match made in heaven.
7/ Headline Generator by @heyjasperai Want to brainstorm some viral headlines? Put in your topic, tone, audience and bam, headlines usable for google ads, facebook ads, twitter threads, etc.
8/ Tweet ideas. Throw in a topic and @peppertype_ai will give you a list of tweet ideas, questions, posts for the day. GREAT to move past thinking blocks for daily content creators.
9/ One Shot Blog Post by @heyjasperai Yes, it is what it sounds like. Write a topic, you can be brief and this tool can generate a 500+ word unique article. Product descriptions, SEO, blog content creation, etc!
10/ AI Generated voice over of the Mario trailer using Charles Martinet voice, (responsible for Mario and Luigi voice in Mario games since 1992) Using @__UBERDUCK__ The trailer visuals are original. I can see famous actors/voice artists licensing their voice rights!
11/ Tweet Machine. Running out of Tweet ideas? Another tool by @heyjasperai that generates actual tweets based on idea inputs.
12/ Auto Shortform Video Clipper. By @WisecutVideo Searches through big videos, breaks them down into clips and categories to export right into TikTok/shorts! Short form content will be KING.
13/ AI Avatar generator. Feed @PrismaAI images of yourself and it will generate different style avatars. Great for Twitter, gamer, social profiles, etc.
14/ Business plan/description generator. Explain your business in simple terms and @copy_ai will generate more descriptive and promotional contnet.
15/ Interior Design AI Tool by This one is so cool! Upload an image of your empty room, kitchen, dining and I kid you not, this thing will generate an interior look based on the style you pick! WHAT!
16/ Autocut silences with @TimeBolt1. Sick of sitting their editting out those silences/breaks in your vids? This thing does it in 2 minutes. Great vid by @Capricorn8 on YouTube, ( )
17/ Auto Cut and Replace tool by @runwayml Ever wanted to switch a large rock with a car? Me neither. But I'm sure there's 100s of uses for this haha. Pretty epic tool.
18/ Royalty free music generator Uses AI to make new tunes! By
19/ Depth-to-image by @StabilityAI V2. A BIG one for 3D modellers and texture artists. Generates new images using both the text and depth information of the original, more simpler image.
20/ ChatGPT by @OpenAI This one has been making the rounds on Twitter. It's like Google search but WAY better. In this instance, it can identify and explain exploits in a code!
21/ Writing code for noobs. Another one from ChatGPT. Used to write code based on a basic text input! This one was shared by @FSBOExchange
22/ A bonus here. Inventor Shane Wighton built a basketball hoop that doesn't let you miss. Combining Robotics and Computer Vision. An example of how technology can come together to create magic.
23/ That's a wrap! I set up a newsletter the other day to share my obsession with AI and tech in general. Join here if interested ->

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